I forgot my Password
Your Password is a unique code that helps protect your accounts when accessing online banking. If you forget your Password, you won’t be able to use our Internet Banking services. Fortunately, it’s really easy for you to reset your Password.
Follow these steps to reset your forgotten Password
Step 1: Visit the Internet Banking portal.
Step 2: Find the text link underneath the Log in button that says ‘Forgot your Password/Access Code?’ and click on it.
Step 3: Enter your details as prompted on the next page so we know it’s you requesting the reset and hit Next.
Step 4: On the next screen, press the Get SMS one-time password button. This generates a six digit one-time password, which is automatically sent to the registered mobile number on your account. Or you can choose to receive your one-time password via your physical or app security token.
Enter the one-time password you received via SMS and hit Next.
Step 5: You’ll then be asked to create and confirm your new Password.
Step 6: Hit Save to confirm the changes. Note: you will still be logged in to Internet Banking at this point, so be sure to hit the Log off button if you are finished.